Handicap & PC Test

Orchid Country Club members may obtain their Handicap Certificate or PC right here at the Club.

A Handicap Certificate will enable you to play at all golf courses.


The golf Proficiency Certificate enables you to play at Orchid Country Club on weekdays and in the evening of weekends/public holidays.

Prerequisites to qualify for a Handicap Test are:

  • Golfing members of Orchid Country Club (Individual/Corporate/WTGM).
  • Have attended the Golf Workshop.
  • Have submitted a minimum of ten 9-hole scorecards or five 18-hole scorecards for handicap computation showing a maximum handicap index of 24.9 for men & 36.0 for ladies.
  • Home Club must be OCC. (Corporate Union)

To pass the Handicap Test, candidates must:.

  • Be able to score 52 or less (for men) & 58 or less (for ladies) for the 9-hole test.
  • Have the ability to pitch, chip & putt.
  • Have sufficient knowledge of Golf Rules & display proper Golf Etiquette.

Proficiency Certificate

A Golf Workshop will be held to acquaint you with the requirements for the PC Test and thereafter, the Handicap Test. It is also to provide you with the basic knowledge of Golf Rules and Golf Etiquette. Through the workshop, you will be better equipped for the tests. The tests are usually scheduled on the second Saturday of alternate month. 


After attending the Golf Workshop, you will have to pass a written theory test. The PC test is conducted on weekdays at the Driving Range at 10am and 4pm daily.


To pass the PC Test, candidates must:

  • Be able to hit the ball reasonably well and get it airborne using different clubs for distances of 30m, 50m, 100m, and 150m. For each distance, three out of five balls must be airborne.
  • Have sufficient knowledge of Golf Rules & display proper Golf Etiquette. 

To find out about the upcoming class schedules and booking a test date, please call the Golfing Department at 6750 2102. Those interested are advised to book a test date early. Please refer to the table below for pricing on Golf Workshop and PC.


Membership TypeGolf Workshop *Proficiency Certification*
OCC Gold/Silver/Corporate Gold/WTGM$10.90$10.90
Corporate Union$21.80$43.60

* Inclusive 9% GST

Golf coaches

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Lower your handicap and shoot your best scores. Whether you are a beginner taking your first swings in golf or a seasoned amateur, our team of qualified coaches work with your individual style giving constant feedback to improve your game.

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